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by Laura Mitchell | Posted in MyNotifi Blog | No comments yet. | 3214 views on this post

MyNotifi Gave Mom Her Freedom Back After She Fell

My mom fell.

Such a simple sentence. Three words.

But, it’s like the dividing line between before and after. It happened about a year ago. She fell in the icy grocery store parking lot. She was on the ground between two cars. It was the middle of the afternoon, and while it wasn’t super busy, there were definitely people around. None of them saw her, and none of them heard her. She was so afraid - of freezing to death, of being run over if the other car didn’t notice her and backed out. And she was in so much pain. She lay there for nearly 40 minutes, until the owner of a neighboring car came out of the store and thankfully noticed her.

Physically, it could have been so much worse. She dislocated her shoulder and she sprained her ankle. Emotionally, it was devastating for her and for her family.

My mom had always been super independent. At 74, she lives by herself at home, drives herself around and is very involved in the community. But after that fall, she lost her confidence. It wasn’t even the fall itself that scared her so much, but that feeling of helplessness, when she couldn’t get up, couldn’t get anyone’s attention, and couldn’t get anyone to help.

My mom fell. And nobody noticed.

That was the day mom changed. She wasn’t her usual independent self. She no longer wanted to drive places unless someone went with her. She stopped going to choir practice. She stopped going to the community center for classes, unless I could take her and pick her up. I was worried about how isolated and lonely she was becoming.

That’s why MyNotifi was such a miracle for us. It’s an automatic fall detection device that will make sure we all know if she experiences a fall. She likes to wear it clipped to her waistband. It has given her the confidence to start going out again. We pray she doesn’t fall again, but if she does, the device will detect it automatically, and message all of us on our smartphones. It also tells us where she is, so we can get there quickly. She never again needs to wait helplessly, hoping to be found by a stranger in a cold and wet parking lot.

MyNotifi alleviated a lot of my mom’s fears, and she’s begun reclaiming her independence again. She’s back to singing in the choir. And she even went grocery shopping alone last week. That was a big step and she’s so much happier.

The other thing about MyNotifi is that it comes with a free smartphone app that taught my mom some strength training exercises, designed to help prevent falls. As you can imagine, my mom was really motivated to work on fall prevention exercises. She’s started tracking progress on the app, and I think that’s helped a lot with her confidence too, not to mention her balance, range-of-motion and strength.

I’m so happy we found MyNotifi, and so is my Mom. It’s really given her back her freedom.


Do you have a MyNotifi story to share? We’d love to hear it. Send it to us at for a chance to win a free MyNotifi device.


For HIPAA and security purposes, this scenario is based upon stories and lifestyles of the 50+ population. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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